What path brought you to Wedgewood Building Company?
I graduated from Purdue University and have been working in the building industry since 2000. Wedgewood Building Company is one of the top builders in Indiana, so when the opportunity to work here arrived, I couldn’t wait.
What do you have a knack for?
I love project management, organization, communication and relationship building with vendors, municipalities, and, especially, our customers.
What’s the one problem you are best at solving for your clients?
Getting through the “hoops” to get their home started! I’m responsive, intelligent and customer-relationship oriented.
What are you most passionate about professionally?
New products and industry trends! Seeing our work in completion if always exciting – the results of lots of teamwork, dedication and years of experience doing it the right way.
What can’t you stop talking about?
My family and kids!
What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend or a Sunday afternoon?
Sunday afternoons I’m spending time with my kids and wife, doing house / yard projects or woodworking.
Where did you grow up and why aren’t you there now?
I’m from northwest Indiana. I moved here after a short time in Chicago to be closer to family. Central Indiana is a great place to live.
Are there any volunteer activities you love?
I’m a teacher at our church school. I love working with kids.
What nonprofits do you love?
St Jude Children’s Hospital. It’s important to help kids in need of care.
What would be impossible for you to give up?
My family and my Christian faith are my foundation.
What else should we know?
I’m easy to talk to, I have a beautiful wife and two beautiful daughters and love woodworking. I’m also a big fan of sports cars and classic cars.